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Entertainment Technology Yearbook 2008

The new Entertainment Technology Yearbook 2008 covers the year 2007 and includes picture coverage of major industry exhibitions in Europe compiled from the pages of Entertainment Technology magazine and the etnow.com website, plus articles and pictures of production, equipment and project highlights of the year. 

Also included is a major European Trade Directory that will be regularly updated on line. A new edition of the book will be published each year at the ABTT Theatre Show in London in June. 

ETP’s series editor John Offord said: “In compiling this first Yearbook, I have attempted to place on permanent record a picture of the Entertainment Technology Year 2007 and at the same time capture the spirit and expertise of the people involved in our industry. I am looking forward to developing the project on an annual basis.”

Author: John Offord
Publication Date: 9th June 2008
Book Format: Paperback
Price: £14.95


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