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About Entertainment Technology Press Books

In taking advantage of the latest ‘print on demand’ digital printing techniques, Entertainment Technology Press is approaching book publishing in a very different way. By establishing a wide range of highly specific technical books that can be kept up-to-date, in a continuing publishing process, our plan is to cover the entertainment technology sector with a wide range of individual titles.

The ETP list is divided into different categories to allow sufficient room for generic growth and development of each title. To ensure the quality of the books and success of the project, the publisher is building up a team of authors who are practicing in and well respected by the industry. As specialists within a particular field of activity it is anticipated that each author will stay closely involved with their title or titles for an extended period.

Where relevant, ETP titles have a download area in hteir descriptions where latest information and updates can be accessed by purchasers of the books concerned. This service is included within the purchase price of all titles.

Readers and prospective authors are invited to submit any ideas and comments they may have on the Entertainment Technology Press Series to editor@etnow.com, or by post and telephone